On this blog updates on the development of my projects will be shared.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Planned Content for 2.5

Sup y'all,

So I spent some time figuring out what content I want to put in the next update (v2.25). Since a good amount of people have been asking for more content for Mrs.Rogers the next update will bring a few more scenes (Focused around the "Dinner-Event"). 

I also already checked the following things I wanted to get done for the next Update of the To-Do List, which are: 

-Functionality for the mirror

-Rework the notebook

-Option to toggle the Dick-Pics of the Sleep/Wake-Up Routine

And these things are still on the list:

-Add a barber

-2 new minor characters

-2 new events for Mrs.Rogers

-"A friend for the Principal"

Naturally I have a lots of more stuff I want to include but these are the things that made it on the list for the next Update.

I also was able to finally get time off from my full-time job (The rest of the year). Was a tough year, I was one of the "lucky" ones that had to work through out the entire year, with out being able to get any time off (until now). So I hope I'll make good progress, but at the same time I don't want to burn myself out on this project and spent some time doing other stuff. (Cyberpunk2077 soon boooiiisss)

I also thought about doing short streams every once in a while, where people can directly ask questions and stuff like that. Not sure tho, is that something you guys would be down to do?   

Another thing I wanted to address are Cheats, a few people have asked for the implementation of Cheat-Options. I get why people would want but I'm personally not a big fan. And here's why: 

-It would be bound to cause bugs and break the game in several cases (One more thing for me to take care of)

-People would miss large chunks of the content, since the game is more focused on the process of the corruption and less on the final outcome

I 100% get why people would want that option, but I would like to just leave it to the modding-community create a version for that, and simply directly link to those modified versions.

I think hat's most of stuff I wanted to address this development-update...

Lots of thanks for all the support and interactions I had so far, It's been an amazing experience doing this. And if you're actually still reading... have a good one ;p

Twitter - F95 - Discord

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Started Playtesting For 2.25!

 Hey guys,

Just a quick little update that play-testing for version 2.25 just started. Let's hope everything goes well.

The new version should go live some time this week so stay tuned!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

That's the plan! (2.25)

 Okay, just a short post this time!

After putting in the first minor character (Not entirely done!), I decided it would be a good idea to get feedback on the kind of implementation of minor characters. So the next update will be quite a bit sooner!

2.25 would include:

-2 Events for the Arts-Wing

-1 minor character


-a huge amount of spelling fixes

-The phone (+ new store in the mall)

(And few other small things)

So if you are into big content updates, you might want to skip this one, it's just intended to test the waters for these minor characters.

That's all, bye!

Saturday, October 17, 2020


Time for another Dev-Update boys (and girls?)

Spent way too much time with CSS this week and fiddled around ALOT with the CSS of the phone. Gotta say CSS is though love, I have a hard time wrapping my head around how it actually works, it's so much trial and error for me. And the amount of code you end up with is so little it's kinda frustrating. However, when you looking at the result it's pretty rewarding! Since I wasn't quite satisfied with the look and feel of the phone I changed some stuff around and the entire "Framework" behind how things are displayed. So now it's pretty easy to add new stuff to it. Thought about a system that allows you to unlock new background images through interactions/scenes with characters (Taking kinky photos of them yourself or receiving them via message on your phone.)
Next up I want to write the events for "Bridget" (Minor Character) I have a good idea of what do with her and how I'll make things play out and since she's just a minor character I want to keep things short and fast-paced. I'm pretty much set on including 3 Minor-Characters for the next update that'll write myself. So it's possible for there to be more if people are willing to contribute some writing.
And talking about contribution: There are now 2 Proof-Readers on the project and they're working their way through all the old (and hopefully soon new) events at the moment, fixing spelling and grammar mistakes. They're doing an awesome job and provide a great deal of polish to the game! THANKS!
In case there are some among you that would like to join in on contributing: I think 2 proofreaders are enough for now, but if you'd like to do some writing (I don't care whether you have experience with that or would just like to try yourself out) you can check here for more info and join us on the discord I set up this week.
That's right! We now have a Discord: https://discord.gg/54gcD7M  Any- and Everyone is welcome whether you want to help with development, give feedback and suggestions or just hang out and share porn ;D

Well then, cya on the other side!

Here's a showcase of the phone:

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Some New Info

Hey guys,

Working on events for the Arts-Wing at the moment, the next thing on the list would be the first minor character. Not quite sure yet how exactly I'm going to implement those yet, but I'll figure something out :D
Also! If the post on the F95-Zone Game-Thread lead you here: I won't be posting on there to let you know there's something new on there (Don't want to spam it). In the future, I'll post it on my F95-Zone feed/status, so make sure to follow me here in case you want to stay up to date.

I also decided to ask people for contributions to the project. So if you would like to contribute as well you can find all the pieces of information here. One guy already joined me to keep my horrid spelling and grammar in check :P

Another decision I made, is that I want to do some "pre-release" before releasing any future updates. I already have a few people in mind that I'll reach out to and ask to test the game before it goes public, so we can avoid the problems the last release had :D

Follow me on Twitter if you want to and make sure to vote for the next major character :P


Impregnation confirmed... you sick fuck...


Sunday, September 27, 2020

What's next? (version 2.5)

Greetings Traveler!

So last week Version 2.0 finally went live, it could have gone smoother since a last-minute change that I applied, broke the entire new Character... Luckily I pumped 2liters of energy directly up my veins and an amazing supporter pointed the "flaw" out to me within minutes via discord so I was able to resolve the issue pretty quick.
The next couple of days I spent the most time just reading feedback, responding and thinking about what I want to do next.
Btw.: I now also have a twitter, I don't plan to post much, I mainly set it up for contact and stuff like that. So feel free to follow (here) if you feel like it.

SOOO... the current plan is to include:
- Events for the "Arts-Wing", 
- A "Phone"
- 3 minor Characters that the MC can regularly interact with. (One of these Characters is the girl you already met when you took Natalie for a shopping-trip. Another one will be a little redheaded student you meet in an Arts-Wing Event and I haven't quite settled on the third one, but it's going to be another student.)
- Events that are tied to the "Entry-Exams"

I already started including the "Phone" and did some writing for the Events in the "Arts-Wing".
The idea for the "Phone" is that you can contact the "minor" Characters that will be put in the game via the phone.
I also included a little Music-Track for the Start-Screen, because... I wanted to. It was made by sickbeatschic you can find him and check his stuff out here on Twitter.

ALSO! Holy shit I did not expect more then 1k people would use the strawpoll (here) I was hoping for around 100 people so it at least wouldn't be awkward and was prepared for it to be like... a couple at best :D So thanks for that and make sure to vote if you haven't already!
And as always: Feel free to send me your feedback and/or ideas you have for the game.

Here a little look at the "Phone":

Now CHEERS, I'm gonna reward myself with a beer. Have a good one!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Version 2.0b


The version I originally uploaded had a minor bug that broke the entire new Character.

The already fixed version as well as a bugfix can be found HERE.

Sorry for the hiccup!

Version 2.0a


We have a new post and a new Update!

So after a minor delay the new Update is finally live! (You can find the download here)!

The update brings a load of events scattered around the school and a new character for you to corrupt! Also the "visuals" have been overhauled to give the game a more unique look. I'm pretty happy with how the update turned out and hope you enjoy it. Make sure to let me know what you like and what you don't like.

Why so late?

1. I'm a fucking noob at doing this so it was a huge miscalculation

2. I'm a fucking noob and had a huge fuck up in the "code" and since I only tested it once I had everything in place everything fell apart

3. Number 2 really demoralized me and I lost interest for some time 

4. I was unhappy with how some stuff turned out and rewrote it

Also: Since a lot of you recommended it, I will take new approach to to the release schedule and this update is the first example for it (except the delay lol... hopefully). A "major" update will add an entire new Character to corrupt from beginning to end and some more events scattered around in the game (minor characters or just random scenes). This update will be considered "unstable" and once bug-reports etc. come in there will be a "stable" bug-fixed version.

From now on you will be able the Vote for the Character that will be introduced next in the game. I have a few in mind and will give you a "preferred" list. You can find it here.

If you're still reading, thanks for all the support and the feedback! It's really encouraging and please keep in mind that this is first and foremost just a hobby for me. I have a full time job and other things to do. Although I do dedicate a lot of time this project and I really want to finish it, I unfortunately am still a just a guy that with a hobby, that does this for the first time and just learns everything while he's doing it.

Well then, Cheers! And enjoy the Update! And as always: Feel free to reach out to me!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Date for next Release

Sup y'all,
Short post today. Took it a bit slower this week, didn´t feel really creative and motivated and forcing some of the more important tasks (Intro for New Characters)  on the road to next release doesn´t feel right since they´re the foundation for a lot of stuff in the full release. So I took care of some other minor tasks that had to be done (play-testing, bug-fixing, writing and implementation of more events, etc.).
HOWEVER! I feel comfortable putting myself on the clock at this point and want to announce the date for the next release: 23rd of May
A big milestone for me in development since pretty much all of the foundation for the game would be set.
That´s all for this week folks, thanks for sticking around and as always the updated road-map. (No sneak-peaks this week :p)

-Giving Lessons Events [Done]
-School Gym Events [Done]
-Sports-field Events [Done]
-Arts Wing Events [~50% Done]
-Science Wing Events
-Charisma Training [Done]
-Intelligence Training [Done]
-Flavor Scene for watching TV [Done]
-Intro for 4 more Characters
-Landlord/Milf Character (Full Path) [~75% Done]
-Training Fitness [Done]
-Arriving At School Flavor Events [Done]
-Yan (Character) Intro [Done]
-Library Events [Done]
-Wandering the University Events [Done]

Sunday, May 3, 2020

It´s coming together

Wow, okay!
So yeah, its starting to come together. This week I worked on more events, the "Stat-Training" thing and I gave the game a more "unique" look, which I am really happy with. Some people send me ideas for events and other stuff they would like to see in the game, which is really encouraging! So I´ll look the work some of that stuff out, if you have any ideas for stuff you would like to see in the game feel free to reach out to me!
Put a good amount of effort  into the "Giving Lessons Events", those turned out fairly well I think.
So now you earn "Charisma" by "Giving Lessons" and "Intelligence" is gained by visiting the library.
So this week (apart from the stuff mentioned above) I´ll do some more play-testing and implement new things based on where I feel it´s still a little empty.

-Giving Lessons Events [Done]
-School Gym Events
-Sports-field Events [Done]
-Arts Wing Events
-Science Wing Events
-Charisma Training [Done]
-Intelligence Training [Done]
-Flavor Scene for watching TV [Done]
-Intro for 4 more Characters
-Landlord/Milf Character (Full Path) [~75% Done]
-Training Fitness [Done]
-Arriving At School Flavor Events [Done]
-Yan (Character) Intro [Done]
-Library Events [Done]
-Wandering the University Events [Done]

Monday, April 27, 2020

Play-Testing and Bug-Fixing

Spent the time since the last update with finishing the events for the "Sports-field" and quite a big chunk of time play-testing and fixing all the errors that showed up (quite a few). Also did some more basic writing for other events and characters (only notes so far), as well as some playing around with CSS and throwing in a couple "quality of life" changes (mostly tool-tips).
I think I went "a little" overboard with the random events for the first few locations i did and will the others have less variation (which players most likely won´t notice). but it will make further progress much quicker. Basically I made 3 variations for each combination of two to three stats, in increments of 3-4 different combinations, for example school corruption + player reputation + uniforms (do the math on that lol).
With the bug testing I did, I probably made big progress, since I now know what to pay attention to and what not to do in the future (again resulting in quicker progress).

-Giving Lessons Events
-School Gym Events
-Sports-field Events [Done]
-Arts Wing Events
-Science Wing Events
-Charisma Training
-Intelligence Training
-Flavor Scene for watching TV
-Intro for 4 more Characters
-Landlord/Milf Character (Full Path) [~75% Done]
-Training Fitness [Done]
-Arriving At School Flavor Events [Done]
-Yan (Character) Intro [Done]
-Library Events [Done]
-Wandering the University Events [Done]

Next on my list are Charisma Training and Intelligence Training (not much work so I want to get it out of the way). These will also tie into the some introduction scenes for some characters.
Sneak Peak Wander-Event

Friday, April 24, 2020

Next Progress Update On Monday

Just a quick heads up, that I´ll delay the next Progress Update until Monday, since I didn´t get to much done this week. However I don´t have to go to work on Monday and hope to get a lot done over these 3 days.
No point in posting now, since it would be outdated in a few days. So stay tuned for that!
Cheers and have a nice weekend!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Real Progress Update

Hey all, so I guess this is my first "real" progress update on here, because this time I can specificly point of things I have completed. Also I have decided I´ll release one more "Demo"-Version in order to get more feedback on where the game is actually going with it´s content, mechanics an characters.
So here is my "roadmap" of things that have to be done until the new demo release (Things marked with [Done], have been implemented so far... Duh.)
-Giving Lessons Events
-School Gym Events
-Sports-field Events
-Arts Wing Events
-Science Wing Events
-Charisma Training
-Intelligence Training
-Flavor Scene for watching TV
-Intro for 4 more Characters
-Landlord/Milf Character (Full Path) [~75% Done]
-Training Fitness [Done]
-Arriving At School Flavor Events [Done]
-Yan (Character) Intro [Done]
-Library Events [Done]
-Wandering the University Events [Done]

Also did some other minor adjustments: People pointed out that there is to much clicking involved in some parts of the game. I filled some of that void with flavor scenes and changed the "Sleeping" so that it get automatically forwarded after some seconds (and added some flavor images) I didn´t remove it altogether, since there are some stat changes calculated and shown. But i think the solution I found works perfectly for reducing the clicking.
If you have any nice ideas for events that could happen in the places that still need to be done be sure to let me know!

So as soon as I have the things above implemented and did some polishing I´ll release the Bughunt version of the Demo!
And as always: Feel free to join the discussion HERE on the F95zone thread and give me your feedback, ideas and input!


Part of one of the Library-Events :)

Monday, April 13, 2020

What happened and Demo v3?

Hey there, not much to report, still sketching out characters, events and other content. Also implementing some new shit into the code etc. Main reason for the update is to let you know that I´m indeed still active and to let you know I´m thinking about doing a "Demo v3".
Since people asked about updates to the game etc. I have been thinking about another release for a bit now. However I want to hold true to my original statement "Next release, Full release" as i don´t want this to become a 0.3b, 0.4a etc. thing (i think that would make me lazy).
That "Demo v3" would include 1 fully implemented new character (landlord), flavor scenes that change as you corrupt the school and an intro for every character you will be able to corrupt in the future game. I think it would be a good opportunity to collect more feedback and some input on what you would like to do to those characters. If everything goes as planned the new demo would be ready in a couple of weeks (no promises tho, who knows what other shit goes down in the near future). Please let me know what you think and join the discussion here: CLICK

Sneaky Peaky ;)

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Tough times and a new Character

Hey all!
Due to Covid-19 I'am stuck on night shift since 3 weeks and it´s taking its toll atm. Always tired etc.. so development slowed down a fair bit. However I´m still making progress. I spent the past weeks doing alot of writing for the second character and apart from 3 to 4 events it´s all done and implemented. I'll have to adjust some code for that character and such things, but I would say the second character is about 90% done. I´m just really down on insparation for that character at the moment and I don´t want to force the last events which would be the "climax" for that character, so I'll start working on the third character, which will be an exchange student (modell Jade Kush). I sketched out the intro, personalty and a rough path of corruption for that character in my head and will start the actual writing and implementation. I also thought about incest (sister) and impregnation, both of these fetishes would be completley optional, but feel free to let me know what you think about it and join the discussion on the F95ZONE THREAD

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Setting Up

Set up the blog.
It´s main purpose is to give you guys the ability to check if development is still active and how far the progress is.
I´ll try to post updates at least once a week!