Sup y'all,
Short post today. Took it a bit slower this week, didn´t feel really creative and motivated and forcing some of the more important tasks (Intro for New Characters) on the road to next release doesn´t feel right since they´re the foundation for a lot of stuff in the full release. So I took care of some other minor tasks that had to be done (play-testing, bug-fixing, writing and implementation of more events, etc.).
HOWEVER! I feel comfortable putting myself on the clock at this point and want to announce the date for the next release: 23rd of May
A big milestone for me in development since pretty much all of the foundation for the game would be set.
That´s all for this week folks, thanks for sticking around and as always the updated road-map. (No sneak-peaks this week :p)
-Giving Lessons Events [Done]
-School Gym Events [Done]
-Sports-field Events [Done]
-Arts Wing Events [~50% Done]
-Science Wing Events
-Charisma Training [Done]
-Intelligence Training [Done]
-Flavor Scene for watching TV [Done]
-Intro for 4 more Characters
-Landlord/Milf Character (Full Path) [~75% Done]
-Training Fitness [Done]
-Arriving At School Flavor Events [Done]
-Yan (Character) Intro [Done]
-Library Events [Done]
-Wandering the University Events [Done]